This is a cover recreation I did of Cheese Heads #4 by Nick Craine published by Tragedy Strikes Press in 1992.
Cheese Heads is one of my favorite small press books. It has wonderful surreal characters, an atmosphere of mystery and quirky sense of humor that, coupled with Craine’s art, create a one of a kind comic reading experience.
I remember my brother and I were both big fans of the book as teenagers and had neither one managed to complete the five issue run because of the elusive fourth issue.
We were at Chicago Comic Con in 1993 when my brother found a single copy of issue four for sale for three bucks at a dealer table and snatched it up for himself.
Wanting it badly I begged him to sell it to me. He half-jokingly said “Ten dollars.” I had to have it so I paid his overinflated price and completed the series!
This marked the first time in my life I ever bought a comic book for “more than it was worth”. But it was totally worth it to me!
I reread the entire series and rejoiced in the amazing tale of the Cheese Heads (and the sweet back-ups by Craine and Carol Swain)!
Over a decade later I met cartoonist Nick Craine while attending the Toronto Comic Art Festival and purchased from him a page of original art from Cheese Heads issue four that is framed and hanging in my home to this day!
I don’t know if there was ever a collection of the series published but if you see a single issue for sale, I highly recommend checking it out.