Tag: Superheroes


My buddy Eric and I recently watched the Superman Batman Public Enemies dvd and felt inspired to do our own renditions of the characters. Make sure to check out his post at www.shonborn.net.


If you like Madman be sure to check out the sweet rendition of the cast that my pal Eric did last week over at his blog (Shonborn’s Carpal Tunnel in the list on the right).

Fallen Son Sketch Cover

This is a copy of the Fallen Son: Death of Captain America comic Marvel put out a couple of years ago. They did some with a blank cover so that you can take it to comics conventions and get artist sketches on them… but instead I just did a sketch for myself. What does that …

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Wolverine was my favorite super hero when I was a kid. I had the Secret Wars action figure… and I even pretended that my DC Super Powers Kalibak was the Frank Miller Wolverine from the cover of the trade paperback to the mini-series. I also remember freaking out when I saw the episode of Spider-man …

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Fantastic Four #36

Here’s my version of Jack Kirby’s cover to Fantastic Four #36… probably my favorite Fantastic Four cover. I drew most of it while watching ‘Groundhog Day’ and ‘Seven’ last week. If you haven’t already seen it be sure to hop over to www.fanfour9.blogspot.com to see all the sweet Kirby FF interpertations there… also Kirby Vision …

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