I’m doing a series of ‘Lil Portraits of some (kind of) famous people. Who knows… maybe you would like to buy one? They’re tiny. Roughly 3.5″ x 3.5″ on bristol board but I’d be happy to vary the size based on your needs. I’ll do any person you want (even Heinrich Himmler or Kayne West) and mail it to you for a reasonable price. Contact me and we can work out the details.
Man I love Prince. Purple Rain might be my favorite album of all time. And I’ve never thought of myself as bisexual but I’m comfortable telling you that I’d make out with Prince all night long if given the chance.
If you’re a fan of amazing guitar solos check out this video.
Almost 100 percent on this, but I’m pretty sure no one has ever asked Prince to take his tongue out of their throat.