Tag: Art


Ziggy Stardust portrait for Mel.


My favorite original character from the amazing Comic Book History of Comics by Fred Van Lente and Ryan Dunlavey. You can see my pal Eric’s rendition of Crotchshot here. Also, check out the Guttertrash podcast where Eric and I review Comic Book History of Comics here.

Raising Arizona

Here is the second in my series of recreations of Coen Brothers films dvd box art. I first saw Raising Arizona when I was a kid and had never heard of the Coen Brothers. I’ve watched it dozens of times since and it’s still one of the funniest movies I’ve seen in my entire life. …

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Barton Fink

Recently bought this on dvd. The Coen Brothers have made some of my absolute favorite films. This is the first of a series of their movie posters I’ll be recreating based on the dvd covers, so let me know if there’s one you’d like to see next.

Scary As Hell

Happy Halloween! This is a recreation of one of the most horrifying comic book panels I’ve ever seen. It was in an old issue of Wonder Woman that I recently picked up for a dollar. I swear it terrified me more than anything I’ve ever seen in Crossed.