A comic collection came into the shop where I work recently that contained a low grade copy of Marvel’s Fantasy Masterpieces #11. The book was too rough to sell (there was a Band-Aid stuck to one of the interior pages that had probably been stuck there since the book came out in 1966) so I …
Tag: Art
Dec 27
This is a drawing I did for my wife this Christmas (nothing says Christmas like Lucifer, right?). The Mike Carey Lucifer series from the early 2000’s is her favorite comic so when I saw this blank cover for the recently relaunched series I decided to pick it up to draw on for her. She said …
Oct 31
Oct 30
New World
This is my take on Stella from a great comic book called New World. Stella is a cop in a version of the Earth where the U.S. has just endured a second Civil War. Cops are celebrities on tv with the viewing public deciding by text vote whether or not they show mercy or cruelty …