Here’s a lino block print I did of Dr. Fredric Wertham. He was the psychiatricist who wrote “Seduction of the Innocent” and basically got the comics code started (and EC Comics put out of business) based on his theory that comic books were corroding the morals of this country’s youth. I just finished reading a …
Tag: for sale
Jun 15
Veggie Dog Saturn #3
Issue #3 of Veggie Dog Saturn! This issue features yours truly suffering an existential freakout which inspires me to vacation to Toronto for a week with friends. 30 plus pages of Canadian accents, naked octogenarians, and 12 hour bus rides! Printed on newsprint with a color cardstock cover and bonus Gasoline Alley parody comic on …
Oct 31
Veggie Dog Saturn #1
This is the first issue of my autobiographical comic series Veggie Dog Saturn. This one features heartbreak, garage sales and drunken bike riding. Printed on newsprint. $2.00 postpaid from the address at the bottom of this page or through paypal (
Oct 31
Veggie Dog Saturn #2
SOLD OUT! Issue two is the story of my adventures as a limousine driver. Printed on newsprint with a hand colored cardstock cover. $2 postpaid to the address at the bottom of this page.