Last weekend was Genghis Con in scenic Lakewood, Ohio and I went there to sell some comics and become a millionaire. Above you can see the sweet show space that was on the second floor of an old warehouse called the Lake Erie Building.
My pal Nate McDonough was there…
As were the fellas from Cowboy House. Here we see Fred Frances and Mike Madsen wondering where their cohort Jeff Gibbons wandered off to this time (probably to score some crack in the parking lot).
Here’s me with a sweet old car that was just hanging out there.
And here’s a shot of my table and neighbors. On the Left is Joe Kuth and that’s John Bailey on the right. Talked with both about music for awhile during the show. Nice guys and swell cartoonists too.
Had a good time hanging out at the show and traveling with my pal Eric. So much great artwork and awesome cartoonists in one place. Looking forward to next year’s show!
That Jeff Gibbons is a low down dog! He was getting wrapped up in all kinds of heinous, flat out illegal stuff on Sunday!