Axel Pressbutton

Recently picked up some old copies of Laser Eraser and Pressbutton from a dollar box at a sweet new comic shop that opened in West Alexandria (What’s up Jim and Dan’s)!

I’d read a couple of issues when I was a kid but had no recollection of what it was about (other than a strange looking fella named Axel Pressbutton with robot legs and a giant cleaver for a left hand).

After reading them I found out that Axel was a florist attacked by a carnivorous sentient telepathic fungus which ate most of his body (though it apologized and prevented Axel from feeling the pain of being eaten alive).

Axel was rescued and given a robot chest and limbs. In addition to his robotic parts Axel was rebuilt with a button on his chest to induce an orgasm (since he no longer had his genitalia).

This bizarre character was co-created by Pedro Henry (Steve Moore) and Curt Vile (Alan Moore) in the late ’70’s and his comics were drawn by some pretty great artists including Steve Dillion, David Lloyd, Dave Gibbons, Cam Kennedy, Alan Davis, Brian Bolland and more!

Look for some the next time you’re rummaging through dollar boxes at a comics convention. You won’t be disappointed!


    • eric on June 22, 2015 at 2:11 pm

    I’m glad you figured out what the button was for, it was bothering me.

    • Joseph on August 17, 2015 at 11:14 am

    Copy that, I actually saw this guy on a t-shirt some kid was wearing when I was in grade school. I would try to seat close to him in the auditorium ever since then in hopes of seeing the shirt again. It inspired much speculation with in me. – Glad to finally know what the deal is.

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