You Are My Superhero

For anyone who likes superheroes you’ve got to visit the Dayton Art Institute’s “You Are My Superhero” exhibit! It features original artwork, animation cells, costumes, comic books and comic book ephemera spanning the history of the super powered hero (and even his non-superpowered predecessors like Zorro and the Lone Ranger).

For some reason I was even able to convince them that having me do some superhero artwork to hang in the exhibit would be a good idea… can you believe it?!? If you click on the icon above you’ll see the penciled version of my piece from the exhibit (to see the fully inked version you’ll have to visit the museum).

I’ll also be at the DAI every Thursday in August from 5pm until 8pm doing live drawing along with some other local cartoonists so make sure to come visit, hang out and draw with us!

It really is a neat exhibit that I encourage anyone interested in comics and artwork to visit (and if you’re reading this you most likely are). It’s up now and runs through September 23rd. To find out more information check out the Art Institute’s website here.


    • Eric on July 24, 2012 at 5:34 am

    Batman doesn’t smile.

    • jason on July 24, 2012 at 1:42 pm

    Maybe he just got his royalty check from the Dark Knight Rises’ opening weekend.

    • Eric on July 24, 2012 at 9:45 pm

    But he’s already rich.

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