The third installment of the finest mini-comic about mini-comics is here! This volume, put together by guest editor Wheeler Hall, features interviews with Sam Spina and Eroyn Franklin as well as comics by Wheeler Hall, Jeff Potter and Sam Spina. Also tons of mini-comics reviews and a stunning wraparound cover by Jacob Warrenfeltz!
This 50+ page extravaganza is an experiment in that it is Pay What You Want! That’s right, no price is too great or too small to allow you to get your hands on this baby. If you don’t have much money send us what you can to the address at the bottom of this page for a copy. Conversely, if you’d like to support the arts, feel free to send more than you think it’s worth to help cover someone who sent a smaller amount. No matter what you send please include a buck or two for shipping. Also available on the small press shelves of fine comic book shops like Mavericks Cards and Comics in Kettering, Ohio.