Geez, it’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything… but over the weekend I once again gained access to photoshop so I should be posting regularly for the forseeable future. And speaking of the future here’s a sketch of the cover to a sci-fi mini comic that will be coming out this summer from the fine …
Tag: color
Jun 02
Creepy Guy
This fella was originally me just making squiggly lines to test out a new brush pen I picked up and then he just sorta took shape. Now he’s here in digital color for anyone connected to this hivemind we call the internet to see. Just remember to bless him during your supper prayers as if …
May 18
The Spy
This bird guy is a good spy who has just found a villain to shoot at. Get him spy! Stop his nefarious deeds! He keeps the world safe for all of us. That’s cool!
Apr 13
Neglect is Crime
Local comics enthusiaist Wheeler Hall has asked several Dayton area artists to recreate All Top Comics #14 (one of the comics sited by Dr. Fredric Wertham as seducing the innocent young minds of the kids who read it back in 1948) in its entirety for publication by his own Apogee Comics label later this year. …
Apr 06
On Target!
This is going to be the new “Keep on Truckin’!”. Feel free to make it into stickers, t-shirts or what have you. Be the first kid on your block to “represent”. Aw yeh.